
Showing posts from June, 2014

Humble giving

As I saw the car parked in front of their house, I knew it would be picking one of them.  As she approached their gate, I noticed how simple but elegantly dressed she was.  Even though I watched the car zoom off, it was her outfit I kept thinking of. As usual, I went visiting the next day, our folks have been friends before I was born and anytime my folks needed to send me on “the errand of no return” popularly known as Arodan in Yoruba, I was sent to their house. “Are you here for Arodan?” my Aunt asked, before I could respond she continued “go to the girls’ room, Fao is  looking for you" B, how are you today? Fao said “I love what you wore yesterday” I responded. Pardon my manners, good afternoon sis” I concluded “Really, you can have it” she said. She opened her wardrobe and brought out others, yes you can have them too. From that day till S.G came to whisk her away, she always gave me clothes. She taught me a simple lesson,  as long as they are in good co